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Letter from President Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the Education sector on the occasion of the opening of the 2022-2023 school year

On the occasion of the opening of the school year 2022-2023, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc sent a letter to the Education sector. Portal of Binh Dinh province delighted to publish the full text of the letter.

Dear teachers, teachers, administrators, education workers, parents, and dear students!

In the letter sent on the first day of the opening ceremony of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 5, 1945, dear President Ho Chi Minh wrote:

“I imagined before my eyes the jubilant scene of the first day of school everywhere. The children were all happy because after a few months of no school, after many unusual changes, they were able to meet teachers and friends again.”

Today, September 5, 2022, we refelt special emotions after an unusual period of study  which was interrupted frequently by the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and students were reunited again. attended the opening ceremony directly at the beloved school, together shared determination, belief and hope for a new journey in learning.

"The rain stops, the sun rises" as the meaning of Uncle Ho's verse, the school year 2021-2022, "the quality of mass and spearhead general education continues to improve, internationally recognized and appreciated. The quality of Vietnam's education has been raised 5 levels, reaching 59th place on the international  ranking in 2021. The high school graduation exam in 2022 was successfully held. Education in mountainous, border, island and ethnic minority areas continues to receive strong attention. Many Vietnamese universities are present in prestigious international university rankings. In addition, the excellent achievements that the students have won in the Olympic competitions in the year 2022 have once again affirmed their bravery, ability to excel in learning and Vietnamese wisdom in front of international friends. economic…

On behalf of the leaders of the Party and State, I acknowledge and warmly commend the consensus, determination and efforts to overcome difficulties and achievements of the Education sector in the past school year.

Dear comrades, teachers and students, dear students!

A school year begins, the beginning of new hopes. I highly appreciate the meaning of the theme chosen by the Education sector this year, which is “Unity, creativity, striving to fulfill tasks and goals of innovation, consolidation and improvement of quality. education and training". I suggest all managers, teachers and staff of the Education sector to make efforts to be dedicated, united, creative, overcome difficulties, do well in their responsibilities, promote the sense of responsibility to the profession, with Dear students, for the cause of great human cultivation. I want parents to pay more attention to their children's education, set a good example, for their children's future, for the glory of their family, clan, homeland and country. The whole society should join hands with the Education sector, creating a civilized, orderly and exemplary society, forming a good culture and social standards for children to study and follow; building a learning society, accessible to all children, including disadvantaged children. For students, let's promote the nation's studious tradition, absorb the intellectual quintessence of mankind, have the desire to dedicate and be self-reliant, contributing to building our country more prosperous and strong. and prosperity.

On the occasion of the opening of the school year 2022-2023, I cordially send my best wishes to teachers, teachers, administrators,  employees Education sector and students best wishes for health, happiness, success and success. work and achieve more achievements in the new school year.



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